Intrested in some peronal training? We have you covered, get to know our inhouse personal training staff with will help you on your way to acheiving your fitness goals.
I'm passionate about helping people change their lives and have done successfully for over a decade. I have wide range of clients from a female 70 year old marathon runner, to a TV hair stylist dealing with osteoperosis. I have travelled across the UK working with hundreds of people to achieve their goals, I know we can achieve yours.
Contact CharlieJOSHSPENCER
I joined the Flex family in 2018 and have been loving personal training ever since. On top of that I have years of football coaching experience, this means I have worked with a wide variety of teams and individuals. Bottom line if you’re looking to be pushed like you’ve never been pushed before to achieve the goals you want, contact me and let’s make you the best version of yourself.
Having trained in gyms for many years, I decided to pursue a career in Personal Training because I have an authentic passion for helping others. My goal is to be the Personal Trainer that I needed all those years ago.
So, what can you expect from me?
I will provide a training programme tailored to you, support, encouragement and nutritional guidance helping you become happier, healthier and more confident. So, whether you are brand new to the gym or you have some experience but are wanting to take your training to a new level, I can help!
My specialist areas include fat loss, muscle gain and nutrition. Remember- the investment with the best return is what you invest in yourself!
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